Connect With Us!

If you have questions, we would love to chat. Give us a call today or fill out the form below and let us walk you through our process for buying and selling Oklahoma homes.

If you have questions about…

  • Who we are and why we love doing what we do.
  • Our process for making you a fair, all-cash offer for your house.
  • How we can help homeowners stop foreclosure in Oklahoma City for situations that qualify.
  • And anything else you might have questions about.

Just give us a ring at the phone number below or shoot us an email through the form. We’ll get back to you within 48 hours. If you need us quicker, make sure to call as we’re able to answer phone calls more quickly than we’re able to return emails.

We look forward to chatting with you soon!

Contact Info:

405 Property Solutions
P.O. Box 21001
Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA 73156

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

5 Ways To Stop or Avoid Foreclosure In Today’s Market – Your FREE Guide:

Need more information on the foreclosure process and how to stop foreclosure and save your credit? Download your FREE guide here and find out how you can stop foreclosure today. Or contact us for a no-hassle Situation Evaluation or to learn more about how we help homeowners avoid foreclosure and sell their unwanted properties fast.

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